Is there anyone left, who wants to throw your past into the trash can of 2016?

Is there anyone left, who wants to throw your past into the trash can of 2016? There may be a bit more extra hours specially left for those who are missing so much of their past and who are quite incapable of letting go of their past. However, there are not much time left for you. Continue reading “Is there anyone left, who wants to throw your past into the trash can of 2016?”

Love without Trust and Trust without love

Love without Trust and Trust without Love cannot create a reliable relationship between two parties, two nations, two friends, boys and girls and husbands and wives. It also cannot create the atmosphere of peaceful and happy coexistence in a particular society or in a particular country or in a particular family too. Therefore, “Love without Trust and Trust without Love” should not be played as a game to achieve something. I hope you all get it.

Very beautiful proverbs and sayings

There’s a lot of fake people in the world, but before you judge them, make sure you’re not one of them.

One of the happiest moments ever is when you feel the courage to let go of what you can’t change.

To do right judgment

Beggar can’t choosers. In Burma, there is no better choice. It means you do not have many choices: you have to please what you have.

What do you want to do? Learn and Choose.

“Charity never made you poor;
Stealing never made you rich and
Wealth never made you wise”.

This proverb in only three simple sentences makes it so meaningful. There is nothing to argue with the meaning of the sentences. It is not only a proverb to read or recite but to apply and to prove how it works right. This proverb is encouraging us to do charity, to avoid from stealing and to being indulged in so-called wealth. Actually, I live this way and I love this proverb. I hope you would learn from it.

Metta Vs Hate

Metta is the best medicine to heal both one’s burning heart and the others’. Hate should wisely be replaced by unconditional love (Metta) so that we could bring all the positive benefits to all of us. Metta is the only energy that can make us courageous to face everything hard and soft for peaceful solution of a problem. I believe that Metta, unconditional love can be developed by wisdom.

Difference between Buddhism and religion

  • Religion makes conversion.
  • Conversion makes quantity.
  • Quantity makes competition.
  • Competition makes the faithful think of war.
  • War needs weapons.
  • Weapons need money.
  • Money needs business people.
  • Business people creates capitalism.
  • Capitalism destroys sense of democracy.
  • Democracy needs wise people.
  • Wise people want to live peacefully and happily.
    This is the reason why the wise are searching the Dhamma.
    It is also the reason why the wise meet the Buddha’s Teaching.
    The Buddha’s Teaching is the only teaching that can guide us how to live peacefully and happily while carrying our daily tasks and activities unavoidably and leading family life.

How to practice to lead the organization

It is an advice for how to practice to lead the organization. This is also the way I have practiced for a long time.

(1). don’t do anything that can make your followers, supporters and students doubted and suspicious by your thoughts, words and deeds.

(2). You must be ready to acknowledge that the pinions and thoughts can be always different from each other. Therefore, you must do more than discussion of thoughts and dry philosophy as you know ‘Action speaks louder than words’.

You should also avoid being indulged in the discussion of impractical thoughts and philosophy because life is too short. We must just focus on what we should and must do while living at the precious moment.